Distance Healing
★ Clairvoyant Healing treatments are not limited by distance and location and are more convenient if you are unable to see Nathan in person for a healing. During distance healings Nathan incorporates the same treatments as he uses in face to face healings.
★Nathan will tune into you via video during a Skype or Zoom call or via a recent picture of you when video is unavailable or in the case of emailed readings. He simulates and works on a model of your etheric body. During distance healings, Nathan describes everything that he feels, sees, and hears to you, just as he would in a face to face healing session.
★ During a distance healing, it is important for you to find a place where you can meditate, relax, or sleep without being disturbed to receive the full benefits of a distance healing.
★Distance healings cost the same as face to face sessions, and are just as effective and can be conducted via Email, Phone, Zoom and Skype.
★ Payments for distance readings are accepted through Bank Deposit or Paypal.
★ Please note that payments need to be sent and cleared before your distance healing will be conducted.
★ If you are interested in booking a distance healing, please send an fill out a contact form to Nathan with the subject "Distance Healing".
In your email message, please include the following;
- Name
- Date of Birth
- A Recent picture of you (no glasses or hats please)
- If you have any areas of concern about your session, feel free to include these too!
Further details will be later discussed once we arrange a suitable time and date for the distance healing.
★Nathan will tune into you via video during a Skype or Zoom call or via a recent picture of you when video is unavailable or in the case of emailed readings. He simulates and works on a model of your etheric body. During distance healings, Nathan describes everything that he feels, sees, and hears to you, just as he would in a face to face healing session.
★ During a distance healing, it is important for you to find a place where you can meditate, relax, or sleep without being disturbed to receive the full benefits of a distance healing.
★Distance healings cost the same as face to face sessions, and are just as effective and can be conducted via Email, Phone, Zoom and Skype.
★ Payments for distance readings are accepted through Bank Deposit or Paypal.
★ Please note that payments need to be sent and cleared before your distance healing will be conducted.
★ If you are interested in booking a distance healing, please send an fill out a contact form to Nathan with the subject "Distance Healing".
In your email message, please include the following;
- Name
- Date of Birth
- A Recent picture of you (no glasses or hats please)
- If you have any areas of concern about your session, feel free to include these too!
Further details will be later discussed once we arrange a suitable time and date for the distance healing.