This got me thinking, but I didn't reply to this question by saying "my alarm clock". Most certainly not.
Time itself is a physical constraint on how we organise our physical lives, however, time itself does not rule our lives, nor does it seem like something we have to completely rely on to be where we are, to do what we do, and so on.
Let me give you an example;
Think of time in the likeliness of vacation. If you are simply going from one destination to another, you won't find yourself as able to enjoy the sights, sounds, and experiences of your travels if you are constantly worried about what time you will depart and arrive at the next stop.
Rather than thinking of the moment you wake up as so that you can go to work for another day, to pay the bills, to support your family and so on, try to think of yourself personally. Wake up, because you are waking up to enjoy the day.
Maybe you wake up so you can kiss your partner good morning, or get your kids ready for school, as they are growing up right before your eyes. Perhaps there is a view of a beautiful morning sunrise that you can view. Or maybe there is that gorgeous walk to the beach you can go on each morning. Every person has a different thing that inspires them to wake up each morning.
Next there is the day itself. Rather than just thinking of what time you'll arrive at work, how many hours you are getting paid, or working so you can buy your lunch and dinner, whatever is on your mind, think about the effort and the contribution that you make. Think about the ways that you can brighten the day of those around you. Perhaps if you work in the office, maybe your smile and positive outlook has its place in the coworker who needs cheering up for the day. You may have a special skill or talent that is useful in your line of work. Maybe you work well with children? The Children are there to learn from you and are delighted at the ways that you can make teaching and learning so fun.
My Angels and Guides tell me that there is no such thing as a boring person, or a boring situation or a day to be bored. Each person has their own story, and there is no way that you could understand them just with a glance. Perhaps you can brighten your day by speaking to someone whom you have never spoken to at your workplace. Or you can introduce yourself and greet one of the neighbours in your street. Every situation has its options, and it is up to you as to how you choose to experience your life.
There are unlimited possibilites as to why we wake up in the morning. Think outside the box, and rather than living in the past of living for tomorrow, live for today! There are so many wonderful things in front of you and all around you. Your happiness in life is not a goal at the end of the finish line, but it is a part of you, and always will be.
Blessed be, with Love
NathanStar and Friends O:)