After our visit to the Ise Shrine, we have been connecting with Amaterasu for the past few years now, and recently, we were reminded of a very wonderful lesson from her.

We were also informed about the light that shines from within us. As we acknowledge the light that is within us, we are reminded about the beautiful truth of our being and nature. We are all light, and when we are all coming from a place of light, we are illuminated in mind, body, and spirit - we transcend what we may feel like holds us back in our shadows, and we overcome everything from a higher perspective of compassion and grace for ourselves and others.
Anything which is in the shadows or darkness will seek out the light, and Amaterasu reminds us today of the joy that resides within us all. It is a calling to accept and embrace all parts of ourselves, and it is a calling to look within. Our self-esteem is like a light that either shines or diminishes. We have full control over this flame and we can either choose to let our internal flame dwindle or flourish.
We have the choice to rise above, and rise above we will.
As a final message for this post, Amaterasu says,
"Look to the sun to be filled with vibrant, vigorous energy and light. Reenergise and recharge, nourish yourselves in every way. Be filled with joy and embrace life. Part of Amaterasu's lesson from her stories involve noticing the beauty and magnificence within yourself, and lighting up the world within you and all around you through accepting yourself. Step into your power and set yourself free. You are blessed and you are a Divine expression of love. You exist because of love. You are love. Shine like the sun and light up the world beloved ones."
Blessings, love and light,
Love from Nathan and Friends.