Every age has its new opportunities of growth and experience in life. In fact, every year is a treasure year, a golden year. Sure there may be the years where there are certain ups and downs in your life, however, keep in mind that no one particular age is better than the other just because someone else says so.
More and more products are marketed to remove wrinkles, to remove grey hairs, to restore vitality - sure it's a nice thing to look after yourself, but be sure to remember that you are not looking outside of yourself or rejecting yourself because of marketing aimed to create that effect. Age is timeless, and you really only are as old as you feel. It can be looked at both ways - children wanting to grow up fast so they can take on new responsibilties, and people in their older years, their 40s, 50s, and 60s, wishing they were 20 and 30 again.
Many people comment on my appearance and automatically assume that I am in my late teenage years/early twenties. Recently I got asked what my secret for this was. My reply was simply - "Nourish your body, mind, and soul. Life isn't about worrying about what number is clocked up against your name. Enjoy every moment, day, week, month, year, decade, and lifetime as your treasure moments!"
Life is not about worrying or stressing, so let go of the need for these things to run your life and create tension.

Life, like any relationship, is not about you counting your years, but it is about you making you years count!
Blessings and love,
Nathan and Friends O:)