When you take a look at the world and everything happening in the world, you might think that on a global scale, it might seem unfair to bring a child into the world of all of these pains, trials and challenges. To come from a place where the energy is light and pure into this realm where it is dense and there is fear surrounding. The world is not really as dark as it seems, despite what you think may be going on. Yes there are all of these different things happening around the world, people, natural occurrences, the everyday grievances that take place, so what do we do about it?
We work together, towards making change, making a difference and then we call in our children, we share our values, we teach, we model, we set examples through living and leading by experience, so that we can break the cycle, we unite together to serve a common purpose, rather than being separated, rather than being against each other. We become free of the old ways and write new ones, to establish concurrent growth, sharing, cooperating and attending to Earth's needs once and for all.
This is why children are so needed in this world. Especially at this, more than ever, they are needed to raise the vibration of the planet. To lift up those old systems in place. There's no denying it, that change is inevitable and is taking place all the time. Each generation advanced upon the previous one. Each generation builds upon the former, wherein they learn, they grow, their shared consciousness across the mindstream, informs them awares of the patterns and outcomes of the past. It's all happened before, and now is the time to realise how significant these young ones are.
They look to the grown ones, although they are not always the ones to see as more superior, it never is that way, that superiority or greater knowledge be deemed because of a greater amount of time in this world, but rather it is based on their values, their actions, their example. What is it that one can do to earn the respect of the young ones? Act with integrity, treat them with respect, act in ways that represent truth, justice and honour of the sacred.
Why is it that children are answers to prayer? Because people having been praying for change. People have been praying for solutions. People have been praying for peace. The way to it is not going to happen in an instant or overnight. It is, however going to happen and is happening right now all over the world as children arrive, they have their mission and purpose in the contexts of family, personal ambition and global ambition, they learn from the world they are brought up in and they immerse themselves in ways that are nurturing for their growth and their pocket of the world that they inhabit.
They are doing the same process that you are, as do all generations. The experience is not the same, but the process itself is. The cycle continues to turn. As energy becomes lighter with every generation and more and more generations inspire each other, time and time again, the one who wields the keys to greater change on this Earth is you. In the ways that you serve the world and the ways that you treat others.
Be respectful, be a role model, be inspiring as you are inspired. Be the incredible being you were meant to be and treat others like you can perceive and embrace all that they are meant to ever possibly be. See the full potential in each and all, see their divinity as you see it within yourself.
We're all in this together, in one way or another.
Blessings and love,
Nathan & Friends