How much do you love yourself? As in really really love yourself like you are the one you need to honour, adore and do anything for?
Love has become such a romanticised topic that It’s become a common belief and practice to share love and affection with those around us and leaving the self until last.
Think of the love that you have to give as a liquid in a cup. Let’s say on a daily basis, you give out this love through your attention and affection for others and at the end of the day you have distributed your liquid and all that’s left are a few drops. Imagine if each time you pour these drops back onto yourself, the love liquid exponentially increases and multiplies, rapidly filling your cup so that you have more to give.
This is how it is with love. As you give to others, you can end up potentially leaving yourself out, feeling exhausted or drained to give back to yourself at the end of a day. Giving love to yourself, lifts your mood and energy, vitality and raises your spirit. Essentially it offers you more to give, you feel great and there is a better quality of love to share with others.
Think about it this way. In giving the love that you were born deserving to receive, back to yourself, you show the world outside of you just how essential this is and just how capable you are of giving and sharing this with others.
Stress decreases, the little things that bother you might not seem as important anymore and you become engaged in a euphoric state. Fall in love with yourself once again and again and again. On a daily basis, show yourself, tell yourself, declare to yourself, just how much you really love yourself. Not in an egotistic way or nothing in vanity, but simply just being happy with who you are, doing things that lift your energy and mood, eating nourishing food and drinking nourishing beverages.
You deserve it! You came from a place of love. Love is what brought you into this world. It is within you and all around you. You are love. Breathe this feeling in and feel it permeating every cell of your body. Embrace it. Cherish it. Celebrate it.
Repeat to yourself as you breathe in,
I am Love."
Have a wonderful day!
Love from Nathan and Friends