A very important thing that I had learnt early on in my journey, was that your Angels and Guides can not actually assist you unless you ask. Each and every one of us have them. Regardless of our culture, gender, personality, religion, and sexuality, we all have the ability to connect with them. Whether we listen to them or not is another matter.
"Just Ask" can be likened to a magical reminder about the ways that we connect with the Divine in our requests for assistance, blessings, and so forth. Each and every one of you is a being of free will, and your Angels and Guides can not controvene that and do things for you. The only time that you will have an immeditate intervention is if you are in any danger. What they can do however, is assist you once you allow them to and you welcome them into your lives. You can also call upon the angels and guides of someone else to be with them.
It does not need to be a complicated process. It can be as simple as saying out your request out aloud or mentally. It can also be in the form of prayer, chant, or mantra. You could even write a letter to your Angels and Guides.
Writing a letter to your Angels and Guides is a great way to verbalise all of your thoughts and requests. Write a letter to your Angels and Guides just like you would write to your closest, dearest friend. You can address it to their name/s if you know them by name, or you can write it as a general address to them all, Pour your heart out, tell them all the things that are on your mind and be as detailed as you like here. You can even sign the letter off and place it in an envelope, like an ordinary letter if you wish, and send it off to the Universe.You may like to post it in the mailbox, burn it, send it out to the ocean, tear it up, or bury it, as a way of sending your message off to the ethers.
Please keep in mind, that the wisdom involved with asking for help from your Celestial Friends is trusting the guidance and messages that come to you. Whenever you ask for things from your Angels and Guides, it is also helpful for you to ask for a physical sign that you can easily understand.
A response to your request can be experienced in a wide and unique range of ways. For some this may be a gut feeling or a hunch, for others, it may be a loving voice in the mind, a sudden inspiring idea, thought, or vision. Looking into this further, this can also include overhearing a conversation concerning the topic that you have in mind, spotting a recurring number pattern, a feather, coin, and so on. The possibilities are endless!
Pay attention to what you feel, hear, see, and think in your physical and non physical experiences of life. Just as you let go of a letter to send it in the mail box, the requests that you ask help with are the same. Unless you let go of your concerns and release your worries, trusting that your prayers and requests will be answered, you may not notice the response to your prayers or requests as your fears are blocking your ability to do so.
Keep in mind that talking to your Angels and Guides is not something that is just limited to people of certain beliefs, cultures, powers, or religions. It is something that is natural, inborn and a blessed part of your lives. Please remember that there is nothing too trivial or too small that you may think you are 'bothering' your Angels and Guides with. They are delighted to assist you and are with you every step of the way.
Thank you Universe!
Blessings and love,
Nathan and Friends