Spirituality is a way of life which can be applied to whatever way we choose to express ourselves in life. Recently, Saint Germaine spoke to me about the essence of Spirit in everything that we do. One aspect of Spirituality is the meditation, quiet time, and prayer (which is the feminine or yin energy), while the other aspect Spirituality is the way we apply it and make it practical into everyday life (which is the masculine or yang energy).
I have been a skateboarder since I was 13 years old. Besides being an excellent way to stay grounded, it is a highly unique and expressive activity which, according to my Spirit Guide Jay, "doesn't exist anywhere else in the whole, entire Universe". Reflecting on what Saint Germaine has spoken to me about, here are some of the spiritual lessons that I have learnt through my blessed time on four wheels;
Skateboarders come from all different walks of life. I am a Clairvoyant Healer, School Teacher, Son, Brother, Husband and Step-Dad. What are some of the hats that you wear? Although we are all from different backgrounds, we all have a common intention in mind - to have fun and enjoy the good times. Kids - remember to show respect to your spots, your friends, and your board and you'll enjoy yourself! There is no need to create tension by judging others, as that just sends out a vibe that is awkward for you and everyone involved. Focus on your skating rather than hating. Think of all that wasted thought and energy that goes into picking on the way someone looks or skates. The Chinese Man with the long hair and numerous tattoos on his arms, turned out to be a dear friend and mentor of mine. Redirect that energy into having fun with your skating!
2. We are all unique -
We each choose to express ourselves in our own ways and we all have our own styles. Be yourself off board and on board. Just because you can't do a trick that another skater can do, it's no big deal. You'll find your 'goto' trick and make it yours. I can't frontside 180 ollie properly after all these years, so instead, I find something to do on my skateboard that resonates with me and I still have a good time doing what I love and expressing myself in the best way that I can.
3. Patience -
Skateboarding is an art. As the artist, you are continually progressing. No art is learnt in an instant. If it were that easy and simple, then everyone would be doing what you are doing. Think of how much talent and skill you have acquired for what efforts you can produce. Appreciate how far you have come in any skill that you have learnt, for there is no one else that can do it just the way you do it. Be patient with yourselves, and celebrate your successes. Perhaps you spent hours trying a trick at a spot or learning a trick? Think of the progression involved as you become more and more mindful about how you are moving. Remember no empire or great city was completed overnight, just as no journey is completed in a single step.
4. Visualisation -
I get to a spot and look at it from all different directions. Sometimes I have something to amuse myself with and other times, it is more enjoyable to sit and watch my friends through my eyes or through the lens, which is equally just as much fun. I work with what I've got up my sleeve and what is in front of me, and this comes down to acceptance.
Say if I am skating this spot, I imagine in my mind, what I could do at this spot. Or if I am trying to work out how the board is to move, I'll visualise what it looks like, and then incorporate a visualisation of how my body moves. Or when I am filming, I'll visualise how it would look through the camera from that angle, or when I am editing video footage, I visualise the song and timeline and the mix of clips in there. By visualising what something looks and feels like, it's like it has already been created on the mental plane of creation and next requires your physical presence to make it all happen. Create it in your mind first and let your creativity manifest into the physical world.
When Skateboarding it is a body and mind experience. My Spirit Guide, Jay, tells me that "skateboarding is a very effective way of grounding, as in staying centered and focused" and "an efficient and rapid way of sending love and healing energy into the Earth and current surroundings". Well you need to be present in terms of being aware of what you are doing, where you are going, how your feet are placed, how fast you are going, your angles, and so on, so being consciously aware in your thinking will assist you in whatever ways you are trying to maneuver your board.
6. Anything is Possible -
When I think of the things that I've rolled away from, hands down or not and when I see what my friends have landed it is really something! To think of how a board with wheels can be manipulated to do so many different things is truly mind-blowing. Your imagination has no limits!
7. Persistence and Determination -
It can take seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years to learn a trick, to take it to the streets or bowl for a clip, and take it further and further. Or there might be times where the spot of choice for that video clip is unskateable or a no go zone. Persistence pays off and everything works out in Divine timing. The way that you feel on the day you conquer your board, the way the spot feels, basically, the way the Heavens of the skate world open up when it is your time to shine. Keep at it, don't ever give up. We've all put in the time and energy into doing what we love and we enjoy it!
I've checked out a spot for the first time and have to return to that spot another time because it's not the right time to skate it, I've been asked to leave, I tried and got too tired, etcetera. I know what I want and I am going to focus and do what I can to get it done. Getting excited about a spot and the possibilities can make me very passionate about what I am doing and what I think I can do. The feeling of crossing an idea off the list, rolling away, and checking the clip afterwards is a very rewarding sensation. The same goes for being in the presence of friends who have a similar process going on in their minds - just being there to witness things happen and to see the look on their faces is priceless!
9. Love -
Love what you do and do what you love. When there is such a strong passion behind what you doing, the intrinsic motivation is so high and noticeable by those around you. Being passionate about something drives one to seek out the best and to excel based on their own thoughts and feelings about themselves, and not on anyone else's accord. A focus on love for the things you do brings you the best, whilst being involved with something for other reasons only represents something not true to yourself. Have integrity with your skateboarding - do it because you love it. That is the essence behind it. Regardless of what personal accomplishments we have achieved, the love and enjoyment behind it is the driving force that leads to the fulfillment of one's dreams.
10. Being Inspiring -
You influence those around you just as those around you have an influence on you. Through skateboarding, I have come across some of the most amazing people in my life whom I am honoured to call my friends. It is more than skill that inspires me, for it is the love, the drive, courage, and determination that builds character and offers so many unique experiences in life. By coming across people from all different ages and walks of life, I am set to be a role model for some and an inspiration for some. Nonetheless, you will be too in whatever area of life you find yourself in.
A wall with a slight angle may just look like an ordinary wall to some, or that bump in the ground might just be the workings of tree roots, but skateboarding has taught me to appreciate the environment around me. Skateboarding has given me a new set of eyes to see the urban world with. Whilst everyday city goers and workers see shades of grey, tiles of marble for their shoes to walk on and that seat for them to sit on, skateboarders see spots in the eye of the urban storm. Go with what you've got and make the most of it.
12. Loyalty to Friends -
All those hours spent skating with my friends in Sydney and Melbourne have cemented in friendships that will last a lifetime. Regardless of what paths we end up taking as our lives unfold, I'll always be honoured to be able to call my skateboard friends my skateboard family. We grew up together since our teens, and despite where we live, where we travel, what we do with our lives, they'll always be there to hang out with, skate with and enjoy life with.
13. Skateboarding is Life -
The things that make your heart sing all out to you for a very reason of fulfillment. Finding your passion gives you something to look forward in life. Skateboarding is life. No matter how old, wherever I am in the world, I'll be there to enjoy the ride for at least another 13 years.
Love from Nathan and Friends