We are granted access to an abundance of opportunities to be creative, connective and peaceful within ourselves and this has such a profound impact on the way that we experience life and the way that we experience others. Reflectively speaking, being present and engaged with each thing in my life has allowed me to enjoy what is happening and it feels like there is a constant full cup of flowing joy.
As we write this blog post today, we would like to share some food for thought. If we are constantly radiating love and living in a world of choices, what would your world look like today if you chose love in every instance?
Love is not always of a romantic type - that is just one element or facet of a diamond, a jewel. Love is experienced and expressed in so many ways. For instance, it could be the way that you smile at other people on the street, your offer of peace, help and resolve to strangers, demonstrating random acts of kindness and so forth.
While it is common for stressful or unhelpful thoughts to arise in challenging situations before us, it can be just as easy to think of a helpful and uplifting thought. Train yourself to do this. Catch yourself in the moment. Redirect and become one with your True Self. We all have access to love as we are beings of love. Be love and be like the flame that lights the candles of the world.
Blessings and love
Nathan and Friends