Please keep in mind that you are not your parents. They have taught you to experience life in the ways that they were taught and brought up. With this in consideration, you are your own being, and although certain things have played a role in determining what lies behind your thoughts and mental processes, you are able to move beyond these and create experiences in life which are completely different also.
It is with great understanding, compassion, and patience that we are able to delve within ourselves to acknowledge, accept, and affirm the different parts of our being. Through this process of our own self-healing, our journey becomes easier to accept and take part in, when we realise that we are the ones who are responsible for the ways that we live and lead our lives. So in this case, there is no one to point fingers at. Blaming others really is a waste of your energy, and it takes away your own responsibility to yourself.
Remember that you are the one who makes every decision about the way that you experience your life. Despite whatever may have happened in the past, it is now up to you to let that go, and to create a present and future moment that serves you even better. Look within yourselves and realise and accept every part of your being. Accept what was done in the past, and have a look into your role in this. What made you feel this way? What was it within yourself that created those buttons that were pressed to upset you? This is not to blame and shame yourself for everything that has happened, but rather it is an opportunity to feel empowered to understand yourself with greater compassion, love, respect, and reverance. Remember how dear and special you are, and this truth is always a part of you. Your own healing between you and others takes place in your own heart and mind. See yourself as harmonious, peaceful, and living in the here and now. You are magnificent!