Every cause has its effect and every effect has its cause. In truth, we are creating at each and every moment. Without a doubt, whatever you send out into the world, is cast out from your energy field, the Universe hears you and it responds accordingly.
It's a pretty simple concept right?
When we have this understanding about how our lives are always being affected by the things that lie in our very conscious and unconscious expressions of life, then we can start to have a greater awareness in our lives about how we live our lives.
Coming to this realisation, it would be realistic to say, that the more mindful we are and the more we aware we are of our feelings, thoughts, words and actions, we'll be able to go with the flows of creating what we want, rather than what we don't want.
Every time we complain about something we don't want, the Universe only hears the complains, and thus gives you more to complain about. On the flipside, an attitude of gratitude tells the Universe that you would like to continue receiving more of what it is sending you.
Before you can allow monkey mind to take over and whinge about what you are lacking today, look at yourself and your life through another lens. What are you grateful for and what blessings would you like more of in your life?
Start noticing the ways that the Universe is responding to you and you'll see that the road ahead is not as bumpy or as troublesome as it initially might be. What subtleties can you notice in your day to day life experience?
What is your body telling you through your senses? What are you feeling? What are you hearing? What are you seeing? What are you thinking?
You are the artist, the sculptor, the author of your life. You are far more powerful and far more in control of your life than you realise. You can accomplish great things by aligniing your thoughts, words and actions towards the presence of peace and love within you and all around you. It is your destiny, your birth right, to harness your awareness of your being and to channel that throughout the different ways that you live and lead your life. Breathe life into your life and be yourself, know yourself, and live life as yourself.
Have a wonderful day, creating the most beautiful of experiences in your beautiful life.
Love from Nathan and Friends