What we focus upon, becomes what we notice about a person, place, thing or situation.
When we change how we see something, we change what we see.
So where is it that the direction of our thoughts and intentions go today?
When we think about our intentions, they very well may be deliberate or they may be subconscious, in that they are thoughts, ideals, directed energy, that we are not noticing enough of. Our intention is the key to unlocking many things locked deep within our under-layers and our potential.
Stating, declaring, affirming our intentions is the first step in making a deliberate stand and step towards the very thing that we decide we want to do, grow in, attract or become more like or a part of. Think about this today in the very decisions that you make, ask yourself ‘what is my intention?'
Let your thoughts be voiced, let your feelings be felt, let your inner guidance lead you. Be honest with yourself in decoding what your intentions are and what you really mean to set yourself up for.
It is your power. The power of your deliberate and focussed attention. What is your focus? What do you want from a situation?
When your attention and focussed are precise, it doesn’t matter about the how or the when, if you are lined up with your intentions and you’ve cleared the blocks, you’ve paved the path for where your sights are set, it will happen in precision timing, conditions and context.
It is helpful to think about what it is that you’re asking for, not so much as a physical thing as such, but as a state of being, a state of consciousness. The Universe responds to supporting your needs in terms of being rather than supporting your needs of having a result, an outcome, a product.
For instance, one could focus on money and wanting more money in their lives, but it isn’t a focussed intention that creates money and a mindset that lasts. This method only contributes to a short term satisfaction and the cycle will continue. Rather, let the focus be on prosperity, abundance and lasting wealth, where a focussed intention on changing consciousness around it is key, to supporting you in shifting your thoughts, ideas, beliefs and feelings on your relationship with money.
If it is a relationship with a loving partner that you desire, it isn’t simply a call to the Universe for a loving partner, but a call to the Universe for an enhanced loving relationship with yourself and others so that you can pave the way for a loving relationship with a partner.
We interact with the world outside of us on so many levels, to which, the world inside of us affects us on so many more levels. We change the way that we think, feel and vibrate on the inside, and in essence, our very experience of the world outside of us shifts, changes and transforms in incredible ways.
Put it back on you and how your intentions and attention guide your living experience and then you’ll know. Simply be, free at last.
With love,
Nathan and Friends