I love my life and all the beautiful things in it. Love surrounds me and fills my life each day!
I thought about this yesterday. Here I am in Okinawa Japan, living a completely different lifestyle to how I was 12 months ago. Love is what got me here. The love for my dear Wife and family inspired me to do my research, learn Japanese, find a way to support myself and my family, and to make living here possible.
My love for connecting with my own Divinity and Spirituality is what brought my Wife and I together in Hawaii two years ago at the Angel Therapy Practitioner course. We shared a common love of ourselves and the love that was within us and all around us.
My love for myself and for life was returned to me through learning to love what I was passionate about in my teenage years. I have been a passionate skateboarder for 13 years and counting, and this is what set me on my path to loving myself and being proud of myself.
We all have a choice, and we can all choose to listen to the voice within us that makes our heart sing or we can choose to ignore it and listen to what everyone else's projections about the world and about life are. We all know the answers as they are all deep within us already. Our inner wisdom calls out to us and when we act upon its calls, miracles happen.
Love is an amazing thing. Love what you do, do what you love. Be with the ones that you love, and love yourself.
Thank you Universe for the wonderful life that I lead, and thankyou Universe for the wonderful people that I can share my love of life with. Thank you all for being in my life, I love you.
With blessings and gratitude,
Nathan and Friends O:)