“Stand your ground. Be brave, courageous and fearless in the midst of your daily lives. There is a difference between surrendering to yourselves and surrendering to others. Put yourself as your priority, for it is about expressing yourselves in the most peaceful and loving of ways. It is about you speaking your honest truths, and coming from heart-centred communication that facilitates the best learning experiences for each and all. Knowing your own noble truths and walking the path of it does involve you simply just being yourself, that is, not worrying about how others may think of you or judge you, for that is just the surface. Only you know what you need and only you know what there is to experience from knowing yourself. Dearest Ones, know your strengths and embrace them.”
“The fire forever burns within you. As a keeper of the inner, eternal flame, make it a reminder today, to embrace the name of courage as if it were part of your own flesh and blood and a part of you. Have the strength and faith to be one in yourself. Believe, trust, and know yourself. Know how greatly you affect the world around you. Know what great power you have. The early Brigidines knew of this and still know it today, to celebrate themselves for all that they are and all that they have, for an exciting and invigorating way of living and leading life in the ways of one’s true Self, expressed in all honesty and fully revered. It is a day of great blessing to you today here in your lands, as it is the creative fires that bring forth new births, passion that is reignited and led by a force greater than no other.”
Love from Brigid