For the past couple of days, I had been around people who had been having 'one of those days'. You know the ones where things are forgotten, things don't work, and plans all fall apart? I am pretty sure we all have those kinds of days, and the best I could do was to remind my friends to be patient with themselves and the things around them.
Today, I had an incident where I felt like it was just "one of those days".
To start off, I was going to the immigration office here in Okinawa, to extend my Visa. I parked my car, got my documents out of my bag, and then I realised that I did not have my passport. "Oh man", I thought. I sat in the car, wondering whether to drive the 25 minute drive home to get my passport or not.
I thought for a moment. In this instance if I let this get to me, I could have reacted to the situation and simply have gotten annoyed with myself for forgetting my passport, which would have lowered my mood for the day, however, instead, I chose to make light of the situation and return tomorrow during my lunch break at work.
Next, I had to post my application to renew my International Driver's permit. I parked the car and started walking towards the post office. I opened my bag and took out my application form. I read through the checklist of additional paperwork that I needed to include, and then it struck me. I did not have a photocopy of my Australian Driver's License.
Double whammy on forgetting the necessary paperwork for the day. In lieu of both incidents, I could have been a reactor to this situation and let these both build up like snowballs rolling down a hill, (you know like in the cartoons, where the snowball starts off small and rolls downhill and gets bigger and bigger?), however, I decided to be a chooser, and to reach for a better feeling thought and to make the most of my situation. Well I can do all this tomorrow and enjoy writing this blog post this afternoon rather than running errands by the clock right before having to go to work.
My Angels and Guides would like to remind us that "life is about cause and effect. The kinds of things that you put into life, are the kinds of things that come back to you. Despite any given situation, there is always another way to see things, and a blessing indeed. Sometimes the blessings are not noticed until the place, timing, and context of things changes. There is another way to see things, that goes beyond the surface. Notice how nice it feels to simply be in the present moment. Sometimes being in one place at the right time opens a new door for you. Make your 'one of those days' into an exceptional day. Blessings to you as we say, Namaste"
Choose to be chooser rather than a reactor. With the swings of the pendulum, stay focused on where you would like to be and what you would like to create in your life. You can do it!
For more information on the power of your thinking and intention, I would really recommend reading any of Louise Hay's work. Very inspirational and uplifting!
With blessings and love,
Nathan and Friends O:)