If I were to ask you that or if a child were to ask you that, what is the simplest way that you could answer that?
I wanted to sound as simple as I could and answered him something like this; ‘we are alive because there is a living, life-energy that is inside us and every plant, animal and living thing that makes it come to life.’
Thinking about this today, made me reflect on the significance of our life-force energy flow (chi, ki, prana) and how we interact with it every day, every moment, be it physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
If we are alive and this magnificent, living force is flowing through each and all of us, to animate us, bring life and can be expressed through our bodies, worlds and creations, how do we manage and maintain a powerful, natural flow of this without compromising our health, wellbeing and general sense of connectedness with ourselves and the world?
What can we do to manage our flow and be in the flow? What can we do to enjoy the feeling of connecting to this flow within and all around?
This can be said as simply as, ‘what can we do to ensure that we feel uplifted, energised and truly alive?’
Firstly, we can start with breath. Breathing deeply, inhaling into the belly and exhaling up the spine can be a great way to connect with the life-force energy that travels through us with every breath. My Yoga Teacher reminded me of this when she explained it during class one day as something along the lines of "inhale, expand your energy, your being, exhale, ground and connect with the Earth."
Surely, with our abundance of life-force energy flowing throughout us, there is plenty to go around and more than enough to share!
Becoming aware of our emotions and making peace with the past can support us in recognising which experiences we have lived through which hold us back on a cellular level. Our cells and bodies can store emotions so it can be helpful to regularly communicate with your body to discover where any areas of tension may be. Breathe into these areas and gently massage them, bathe in magnesium salts to release tension, work with a kinesiologist to release deeply trapped emotional energy. Eat living vibrant foods and drink lots of water to keep your body, mind and spirit nourished. Learn about the potency and power of your sexual energy, circulate it throughout your body and let this energy that creates life, supercharge your creativity.
Do that which allows you to release resistance to life.
Do that which brings you joy.
Do that which brings you into a state of bliss.
Do what you love and love what you do.
In the allness of you, you welcome life. When you welcome life, life welcomes you and all are destined to thrive.
Blessings and love,
Nathan and Friends