If you think angry or unpleasant thoughts, your experiences following that will mirror that. If you send out loving, positive thoughts, your experiences will reflect that.
Try to think about how you influence your life through the power of your thinking. The things that we take notice of and pay attention to in our everyday world on the outside, represent things within our own consciousness, our own thinking, being, and experience. When we focus our attention on one thing, perhaps say for example when you are focusing on trying to attract more of something into your life, generally, the first common thing to do is focus on what is not present, rather than what is present.
In saying that, many of us had been taught to form habitual thinking patterns that focus on complaining about something and its absence, rather than focusing attention on the things that are present, in whatever amount.
By giving thanks to what is present and what is available, you are telling the Universe that you are in fact, grateful for what is coming to you in your life and that you would like more of it. What you send out is what you receive, so worrying about lack only pushes things away.
Let's use the example of money for example. In times where it may be short, it may be easy to worry about how much you need and how much you don't have, but rather than doing it this way, think about what you have already and how your bills and expenses are a reflection of the Universe and the associated people in mind, trusting in your ability to meet those demands. By declaring your gratitude for what is available to you, you will certainly feel much better and at ease with your situation.
Life really does work out for you. You need to raise and elevate your thinking and keep focused on bringing your intentions to life. Like an artist with an easel, you are the one painting the canvas. If you make a choice which you are not happy with, then make another decision. The power is yours.
It is not up to a magical book or CD that will automatically do all the work for you. Yes, books and CDs contain wonderful, useful information, that you can learn, however, please remember that words in a book or CD mean nothing unless they are taken in, internalised and applied to your life.
We know that you can do it. Our prayer is that you have found this place within yourself and you are taking control of your thinking and thus the creation of all the wonderful blessings in your life.
Blessed be,
Love from Nathan and Friends O:)
For further reading on the power of thoughts and its influence on your life, we would recommend that you read "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay or "Angel Words" by Doreen Virtue