To open up our blog post with this quote by Lao Tzu is to ask you today to think about where your thinking is at and what kind of timeline you are living in. Sure we all like to say that the past is done and dusted, however, we still hold conscious memories, thoughts, and attitudes towards these things. It is empowering to find strength and light in what we perceive as our shadows or our dark side, so it's always helpful to check in with ourselves and to see what we are really thinking or feeling.
"Today will never come again. You will never be exactly where you are right now in your life with yourself or anyone else ever again!"
To be present, is to live without being too attached to the past and wishing things were like before, or waiting for a 'better' moment to come in the future before living your life to the fullest and choosing to accept and take responsibility for your life.
I can reflect on these statements exactly as they are, as this is truly important for me as someone who has recently returned to Australia to live and work all whilst temporarily leaving behind my wife and boys. If I were to be depressed or clinging too tightly on yesterday, last week, month, and year/s, then I wouldn't be able to achieve anything and I would not be able to make the most of my opportunities at this very moment. The same would go for if I were to only be happy if my family were with me. Sure I'd be very excited and delighted to have my family with me, however that's something that is coming and something that I need to be patient for.
Right now at this very moment, I draw my inspiration from watching my newborn Son. He is completley present at this moment. He goes day by day, growing, changing, and enjoying his surroundings. He lets go of what no longer serves him, and every day is a new day. We'll all be together soon! :)
So you can see how important this concept is for me right now, as to be grounded and truly present, I need to be in a place where I can enjoy each day and each moment, and in my absence, wish the same for my family, and also wish the same for everyone else.
Every single moment here is precious. In essence, there is no time to be grouchy at your loved ones, to quarrel or hold grudges with the ones that you care about. To put simply, it could be seen as a waste of energy to get involved in something that drags your spirits down and only makes you feel worse.
Forgive yourself and others for what has been done and is in the past. Rejoice in who you are today and create a better today and tomorrow!
No matter where you are, who you are with, or what you are doing. Enjoy it and live it out as a beautiful gift that comes to life in every moment of your involvement, interaction, and intention. Every moment of life is magickal and full of creativity. I'm being patient and I'm enjoying each day. I wish you all a beautiful day!
Thank you for reading and we'll see you next time.
Love from Nathan and Friends O:)