You've got the intention to land in the water, and once you are on the edge, looking at that water below you, you realise that the water is flowing off the cliff naturally and it will catch you.
Leap! The water isn't going anywhere!
This same principle is applied to making things happen in your life. Set your intention, do what you need to in order to follow up with it, and just go for it. Trust nature!

Many of us do not have life simply handed to us on a plate, nor do we magically arrive at our destination without a journey, without a purpose, without any effort involved. Where would our 'being' in life take place if we just appeared? Creation is a process that takes place in the present moment, one step at a time.

Last year when I left Australia for Okinawa, Japan, all I had packed with me was my suitcase and a feeling that I would be staying in Okinawa longer than my intended 2 months. I arrived in the August, spent some time with my Fiancee (we weren't married yet), and then did a homestay and internship with the International School. When this internship finished, I had another 2 weeks in Okinawa before I was supposed to return to Sydney.
I meditated upon it, and I felt that feeling of staying longer. It felt right and it felt really really good - a warmth in my heart. Despite the chatter of Monkey Mind, I thought of my present moment feelings and my heart said to stay in Okinawa. Right away, I rescheduled my flight back to Sydney and decided to extend my stay until the end of the year to visit Sydney with Kumiko. I also purchased another flight from Sydney to Okinawa. All the same flights as Kumiko.
"Well Universe, I leave this up to you."
And so I did. Monkey Mind was worrying again. "What if you made the wrong decision?", it chattered.
I breathed deeply, and I let those feelings go.

I started work at my new school on the following Monday and I stayed in Okinawa for an extra year. Being away from home, made me feel more at home with myself. I felt empowered as a teacher, like I could accept and claim my role and newfound passion for teaching. I felt empowered as a Clairvoyant Healer, as I was living and leading by example and really putting myself to the test - applying principles that I had taught to my clients and students over the years, to really embrace those teachings and make them a part of my life. Although probably not commonly known as a Pagan society, Okinawa, was just that - rich in their cultural aspects, worship of the lands and ancestors, it felt wonderful to be in a place that was so accepting and welcoming!

I love my life and I love my family. Thank you Universe for giving me the opportunities to strengthen my connection with the all that is and thank you for the opportunities that I am presented to exercise my Divine Magic, which is inherent, inborn, and a part of each and all living things.
Blessings, love and light,
Nathan and Friends O:)